Returning for it’s 14th year the annual FACE Conference 2016 is taking place from Friday 17th – Sunday 19th June. The meeting with host a number of International speakers with a specialist interest in Medical Aesthetics.
There is also the opportunity to learn from the founders of Medico Beauty, Constance Campion and Mr. Awwad Awwad
A pioneer in Medical Aesthetics, Constance shares her pearls of wisdom gathered from over twenty-six years of specialist clinical experience in aesthetic treatments at Plastic Surgery Associates, BUPA Cromwell Hospital, London. Since the late 1990s she has educated about Advanced Skin Health Restoration and today has a particular interest in Bio Dynamic treatments that enhance results.
Gain valuable specialist insights into how clinical experts achieve successful treatment outcomes that satisfy the patients’ expectations with minimal risk and low or no downtime.
She will be presenting, “An Analysis of Specialist Aesthetic Consultation,” on Sunday 17th June at 14:30. Click here to Register
Awwad M. Awwad is a Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon based at Bupa Cromwell Hospital, London and an Honorary Consultant Plastic Surgeon to the West Middlesex Hospital, London.
His extensive training in plastic surgery in the foremost centers of excellence in the UK and Denmark, lead to pioneering research and ground breaking work in blood-flow, flap, transplant and micro-surgery, which culminated in a distinguished consultant career in his specialist field of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery .
He has been in private practice in London since 1990, when Plastic Surgery Associates, was established at Cromwell Hospital, London, (now known as Bupa Cromwell Hospital London).
Mr. Awwad will be joining the panel to debate on the topic of “Fat Versus Filler” on Sunday 17th June at 16:00. Click to Register